Your PGI Score
We’ll help you understand and quantify fiduciary readiness and risk with a Plan Governance Index (PGI™) Score.
As you collaborate, you will document who is responsible for essential tasks and how well they are performing.
A perfect PGI score across all three sections of the Hero7 experience is 100. Your score is an indicator of plan success and suggests opportunities for you to collaborate with your plan team to improve where needed.
Are plan fiduciaries performing? Are service contracts from plan vendors being fulfilled? Are there service gaps that can be fixed?
How do you know?
Why It Matters
As a plan fiduciary, you have a responsibility to oversee plan service providers. Once you know who is serving you and how well they are doing, you will more confidently fulfill your role.
If you ever need to answer questions by regulators about the performance of your plan, your robust, documented process will help you as you respond.
What it is and isn’t
The PGI is…
A number that represents the success of your retirement plan process
An indicator of potential fiduciary risk
An indicator of where you may wish to apply effort to improve plan performance
The PGI is not…
A warranty of fiduciary performance
A replacement for ongoing communication and collaboration between plan fiduciaries
A fiduciary certification
It’s time you know who is serving your retirement plan and how well.